Our Expertise
ARG can provide a vast array of vehicle security and traffic management systems services for start-to-finish applications. These include tools for alleviating traffic congestion and enhancing secured vechicle mobility. As traffic congestion will grow substantially worse in the years ahead unless the total transportation system is improved to handle mobility demands, our services also focuses on systems that help better management of freeways or highways; design, operations and system management of arterial and local streets, and tools for speed and traffic regulatory enforcement. We are a global service company with a complete menu of quality vehicle security and traffic control services.
Our Products & Services Include:
Discrete Security Vehicles
CIT Vehicles Special Vehicles VIP Vehicle Security Solutions Run-Flat Systems Bullet-Resistant Glass & Power Glazing Project Development & Management Road Closures & Detours Speed Violation Detection & Control Systems
Motorway & Highway Management Systems City Traffic Management Systems Parking Management Control